Escrito por evolucion


Antes de morir hija mía, quisiera estar seguro de haberte enseñado esta carta…

A viver del amor,

a confiar en tu fuerza,

a enfrentar tus miedos,

a entusiasmarte con la vida,

a pedir ayuda cuando la necesites,

a permitir que te consuelen cuando sufres,

a tomar tus propias decisiones,

a hacer valer tus elecciones,

a ser amiga de ti misma,

a no tenerle miedo al ridículo,

a darte cuenta de que mereces ser querida,

a hablar a los demás amorosamente,

a decir o callar según tu conveniencia,

a quedarte con el crédito por tus logros,

a amar y cuidar la pequeña niña que hay en tí,

a superar la adicción a la aprobación de los demás,

a no absorber las responsabilidades de todos,

a ser consciente de tus sentimientos y actuar en consecuencia,

a no perseqguir el aplauso sino tu satisfacción con lo hecho,

a dar porque quieres, nunca porque lo creas tu obligación,

a exigir que se te pague adecuadamente por tu trabajo,

a aceptar tus limitaciones y tu vulnerabilidad sin enojo,

a no imponer tu creterio ni permitir que te impongan el de otros,

a decir que sí, sólo cuando quieras y decir que no sin culpa,

a vivir en el presente y no tener expectativas,

a tomar más riesgos,

a aceptar el cambio y revisar tus creencias,

a trabajar para sanar tus perjudicadas viejas y actuales,

a tratar y exigir ser tratada con respeto,

a llenar primero tu copa y justo después la de los demás,

a planear para el futuro pero no vivir en él,

a valorar tu intuición,

a celebrar las diferencias entre los contacto fisicos,

a desarrollar las relacciones sanas y de apoyo mutuo,

a hacer de la comprensión y el perdón tus prioridades,

a aceptarte como eres,

a no mirar atrás para ver quien te sigue,

a crecer aprendiendo de los desencuentros y de los fracasos,

a permitirte reir a carcajadas por la calle sin ninguna razón,

a no idolatrar a nadie, y a mí… menos que a nadie.

Jorge Bucay

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Oracion de abundancia

Oracion de abundancia

Mientras lees este decreto de la abundancia, deberás concentrarte en tus más profundos deseos. Concéntrate en esos...

50 Comentarios

  1. Ruth


  2. andrea

    muy bueno me encato el contenido anterior..gracias por su valiosa información..

  3. Adelfa Osorio

    Especial para joha pao y vero mis hijas preciosas. A las que amo muchísimo

  4. Sayri

    Un gran mensaje para nuestros hijos que los faculta a comprendernos como padres .

  5. Margarita Padilla Rattagan

    Excelente verdad !!

  6. Albina Mella

    La carta a mi hija la guardo!y jamás la compartiría con absoluta%? NADIE ?

  7. Womens Rights

    Parents, we have to be together to fight about the rights of our daughters. No parent wants their daughter to grow up and work as a prostitute. At the same time, no parents want their children to get raped. I’m happy to see that a lot of politicians are parents. In my country some of them have 1 or more daughters. With this in mind, they have to support me. It is a shame to see that politician with sisters, and daughters are against me and what I’m doing. They are against me, and they don’t want their children or sisters to get rights.
    The people doing this job are suffering, and are not doing it because they are happy. We have to feel their pain. In my experience i have never seen a woman with a Masters degree in Prostitution. I also have never seen a FATE that trained women to be prostitutes. I have never seen anyone called to be a prostitute for work experience.
    I feel pain because of a lot of of parents with children, who don’t want to side with me and go against this. Some think that the people doing this don’t have masters degree or any education.Some think that the people doing this job come from poor families. In my mind they are only thinking about themselves, and are not thinking of what could happen in the future, if their daughters become prostitutes. If you travel across the world, you will find that some who do this job have masters degree, and some come from a rich family or a politician family. You’ll find that some of the people are rich, but were poor before they were prostitutes.
    My example of this is of all of the rich families in my country who used to be refugees.
    A lot of royalty families were once refugees. Go ask King Mute be, and what job he or his family did when he was a refugee. This will give you experience that anything and anyone can do this job. If the King had had a good job and life when he was a refugee, he would have never thought of going back and becoming king. A bad life had bought him to forget what his fathers story, when his father was killed while he had been on the throne.
    Make an inquiry on all refugees, and look for what job they had been doing. Ask them where they had come from, and you’ll find that some of them came from rich and powerful families. You will start to understand that rights for everyone is important. We aren’t allowed to abuse these women who do this job, to want income from them. They have to be free and take care of themselves. The politicians are not allowed to tax them or make them pay for license. If any parent thinks is a good job, they need to send their children to do this job for work experience.

  8. Anónimo

    Para mi hija SENLYS constructora de sueños,de ideas,de realidades y fantasias,sabiendo que el tesoro mas apreciado en el ser humano es la humildad.Gracias por ser como eres.

  9. Reyes Nuñez

    Gracias por tu ayuda y todo el amor qué me diste. Te amo mi vida,. Laura Nallely Ortega

  10. Mary Aihua Wang

    Amor mío …. Paola Beyer
    Cuando soy muy dura contigo…., me duele más a mi…… Pero es parte de lo q debo enseñarte …..


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